Glittering Stones » Semi Precious Stones » Bloodstone
Semi Precious Stone Bloodstone
The mineral heliotrope also known as bloodstone is a form of chalcedony that includes of cryptocrystallinequartz. The classic bloodstone is green jasper with red inclusions of iron oxide (red jasper). Sometimes yellow or other colors of jasper are also present, but these multi-colored gemstones are usually called "fancy jasper".
The red inclusion is supposed to resemble the spots of blood. Hence the name "bloodstone" is arrived. The name "heliotrope" (from Greek helios, Sun, trepein, to turn) derives from various ancient notions.
The nature of the blood stone:
The stone is dark green and sometimes greenish blue in color. The red and yellow spotting present on the surface of the stone is the result of iron oxide inclusions. The color of the sparkling gem is unevenly distributed with clarity ranging from translucent to transparent. The vitreous luster of the stone makes it to appear waxy. This naturally occurring gem is not subjected to any artificial treatments, since its crystal structure is trifocal. The hardness varies from 6.5-7 and it does not emit any fluorescence.
Healing powers of the stone:
It is widely believed that the hemorrhages pain, stomach and intestinal problems can be alleviated by using the blood stone. The crystal healers insist to wear the gem for increasing the blood circulation. The stone is the very good conductor of positive energy and closely associated with the heart chakra.
The primary source of the stone is India. Even, it is also found in Brazil, China, Australia, and the United States. Bloodstone is the original birthstone for March. Today, bloodstone, jasper and aquamarine are considered to be the gemstones or birthstone for March. It is said that the stone creates harmony, balance and promotes self-esteem.

Historical Facts of Bloodstone
Other name: Heliotrope
Refractive Index: 1.53 - 1.54
Chemical Composition: Silicon dioxide with traces of impurities
Hardness: 6.5 - 7
Density: 2.61
Crystal Structure: Trigonal
Luster: Vitreous
Color: Red, Green
Birthstone for month: March
Occurrence: India, Brazil, China, Australia, United States
Myths of the stone:
The amazing stone is considered to be planetary stone for Mars. High protective energy can be obtained by wearing this stone, since it is associated with the element of fire. The stone is popularly known for its metaphysical and crystal powers.
Jewelry care:
The stone must be handled with great care; it can be cleaned by using warm water and mild soap. Avoid using harsh chemicals as it makes the stone dull. The dust on the surface of the gem must be removed by using soft cloth or brush, wiping it with hard materials or brush may harm the luster of the gem.
Gem Jewelry Bloodstone

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes