Glittering Stones » Semi Precious Stone » Bloodstone » Bloodstone Necklace
The Semi Precious Stone-Bloodstone Necklace
The necklace is the jewelry that accents the femininity, charm, elegance and the fine curves of a delicate neck. The gem stone jewelry is an extremely popular fashion trend today. Many people enjoy adding gemstone necklace to their daily ensemble. The blood stone necklace is a sleek jewelry that can change your entire look. It is widely believed that wearing Semi Precious Stone necklace can cure several diseases and give positive vibrations to the wearer.

Benefits of wearing blood stone necklace:
It has been scientifically proven that wearing blood stone improves the blood circulation in its wearer and it can also alleviate the pain related to hemorrhage disease. The stone is associated with the element of fire and root chakra, so it provides very strong protective energy. Being a variety of quartz, it is suitable for any jewelry design and it is long lasting and durable.
Features of the stone:
The stone is fancy intense green in color with red and yellow spots. The diaphaneity of the gem varies from translucent to opaque. Since the stone is microcrystalline quartz, it is categorized as chalcedony. The hardness of the stone ranges from 6.5-7. It is widely believed that the blood stone is formed from the Jesus Christ's blood and also known as "heliotrope", which means symbol of justice.
Jewelry care:
The blood stone should be handled with great care, owing to its soft nature. The stone must be cleaned by using warm water and mild soap. While, cleaning it with soap ensure that the soap residues are removed properly. Use soft cloth or brush to remove the dust on the surface of the stone. The luster of the stone may be affected by using harsh chemicals. Being a soft stone, avoid subjecting the gem to ultrasonic cleansers and steam cleansers.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes