Glittering Stones » Uses of synthetic diamond
Uses of synthetic diamond
Synthetic Diamond is diamond shaped through chemical or physical processes in a factory. Like logically occurring diamond it is collected of a three-dimensional carbon crystal. Due to its extreme corporal properties, synthetic diamond is worn in many industrial applications, and has the potential to become a grave disruptive technology in many new request areas such as electronics and medicine. Synthetic diamond is also known as industrial diamond, manufactured diamond, artificial diamond and cultured diamond. Synthetic diamond is not the same as Diamond-similar to Carbon, DLC, which is amorphous hard carbon, and diamond imitation, which could be made of other materials such as cubic zirconia and silicon carbide.
Given the extraordinary set of physical properties diamonds display, large, cheap diamonds could have a broad ranging impact in many fields.
The CVD produced diamonds have been under attack for their potential use in technology. For example, University of Wisconsin, Madison chemistry professor Robert Hammers has urbanized photochemical methods for covalently between DNA to the surface of polycrystalline diamond films shaped through CVD. Also, the diamonds have been shown to notice red ox reactions that can't ordinarily be studied and in some cases degrade red ox-reactive natural contaminants in water supplies.
The diamonds also have probable uses in the semiconductor industry. This is because the diamonds could be "doped" with impurities like boron and then phosphorus. Since these elements contain one more and one less electron than carbon, they rotate the diamonds into n-type or p-type semiconductors. There are also studies being conducted about impregnating boron-doped CVD diamonds with deuterium yields to manufacture n-type semi conducing diamonds.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes