Glitteringstones » Tips to Buy a Gemstone
Tips to Buy a Gemstone
If you buy a gemstone, you’ll find immersed in beautiful colors, dazzling cuts and amazing clarity. Whether you are buying a gift for someone special or beloved ones or for yourself, consider the below tips for better purchase.
ColorColor is an important factor in gem pricing. Value of the gem includes clarity, color, carat and cut. The color value varies between different types of gems, for instance the color value of blue sapphire has greater effect than on blue topaz or yellow sapphire. In diamond the more colorless, the higher the value. The rule of thumb is the more saturated the color, the higher its value. Mostly, traders use to prefer stones that are more appealing.
Stone that is relatively absent of flaws, inclusions and blemishes will be more valuable than stones that has flaws, inclusions and blemishes. Most gemstones that occur deep under the surface contains unique birthmarks called internal inclusions and external blemishes. A gem with less birthmarks or flaws has priced more. Gemstones like diamond rely more on clarity than other stones.
CaratA carat refers to the weight or size of the stone. A metric carat equal to 0.200 grams is the standard unit of weight. Gemstones are weighted in carat and ounce i.e. 142 carats is equal to one ounce. Gemstone of equal weight has different prices depending on their clarity, color and cut.
CutCut is the other important factor that affects the brilliance and color of a gemstone. The proportion and finish of a gemstone affects the brilliance and color of a gemstone. The proportion of the gemstone is the size and angle relationship between different parts and facets of the stone. A gem without precision does not look beautiful. The allure of diamond depends more on cut than anything else, so cut is an important factor to be considered while buying a gem or gem jewelry.
TransparencyA gem having the property of transmitting light through them without serious diffusion is called transparent gem. Rubies and sapphires have microscopic particles which disperse the color.
Treatment StatusGems are treated to improve their appearance. Nowadays, gem treatments are more common and the general form of enhancement is heat treating. Most colored stones are treated and untreated high quality gems become more rare and expensive. Treatments like dyeing and cavity filling are also done for gem enhancement.
Some people prefer certain gem because of its rarity and place of origin. If you are under such category, make sure where the stone came from, which country and what mine. Even rarity and place of origin can affect the price.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes