Glittering Stones

Gemstones & Diamond books » Thureau Mining in California and Nevada

Thureau Mining in California and Nevada

Book Name: Mining in California and Nevada

Author: Thureau

Published: 1879

The Californian scheme, as it has been termed, originated with the well-,known mining capitalist, Geo. Lansell, Esq., of Sandhurst, shortly after his return from a tour through Europe and America. Whilst sojourning in the State of California, Mr. Lansell, who, it is needless to say, possesses a very extensive practical mining knowledge, observed many instances connected with mining and the treatment of auriferous ores, which were there very successfully worked, and which, if introduced here, would, in his opinion, result to the advantage of our miners on Bendigo or elsewhere.

Having come to this conclusion, Mr. Lansell, on the 12th November 1876, commu­nicated with the committee of the Bendigo School of Mines in furtherance of that view," and at the same time very generously offered one-third (on certain conditions) of the total expense it would take to send a qualified dele­gate to America.


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Thureau Mining in California and Nevada


Citrine Gemstone

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes

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