Gemstones & Diamond books » Tarikh Kuh-E-Nur
Tarikh Kuh-E-Nur

Book Name: Kuh-E-Nur
Author: Tarikh
Published: 1849
Major George H. MacGregor, a Deputy Commissioner of Lahore, wrote on the 26th December, 1849 to Faqlr Sayyid Nar-ud-Dln Mohammad Bokhàrl,1 that the Goverjior-General of India, desired him to write the history of famous diamond Kuh-e-NUr (Mountain of Light) and its acquisition by Ran jit Singh from Shäh Shoja". Sayyid Nür-ud-Dln wrote a short treatise comprising two chapters and an epilogue.versity Library, which is being reproduced here after collation with another copy preserved in the Central Museum, Lahore. The manuscript preserved in the Museum was presented by Khan Bahadur Faqlr Sayyid Qamr-ud-Dln on the 26th September, 1895.
Although Sayyid Nor-ud-Dln was assigned the task of writing the history of the KUh-e-Nür, more particularly the details of its transfer from Sh.äh Shoji' to Ranjit Singh yet finding an excuse of absence from Lahore the Faqlr has avoided to give the exact details. He has tried to put facts into the mouths of other courtiers and his contemporaries, but in spite of this fact the manuscript remains a valuable document as it sheds light on the last phase of the vicissitudes of the world-famous diamond.
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COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes