Steinmetz Pink Diamond,

The Steinmetz Pink also known as pink star was earthed by De-Beers, in South Africa, in 1999. The Gemological Institute of America (G.I.A) rated the color of the stone as fancy vivid pink and reported that it is the largest pink diamond, ever discovered. The Steinmetz group of companies, owners of the diamond, christened the stone as "Steinmetz pink".
Fabulous features of the stone :
The diamond is 59.60 carats, fancy vivid pink colored, and oval cut stone with internal flawless quality grade. The distinct feature of the stone is that the pavilion is mounted with emerald cut crown. The sparkling gem is rare and unique with perfect clarity, color and size. Absence of structural abnormalities makes the stone structurally perfect and chemically pure. The scattered nitrogen atoms of the stone, absorbs the visible light from the spectrum and emits it with pinkish hue. The myth associated with the gem is that it brings bad luck to its owner, when it is carried across ocean.
History of origin :
The stone was discovered in Kimberley mines, owned by De-Beers, South Africa, in 1999 and found its way to Steinmetz group of companies, where the rough stone was cut into elegant oval shape. Group of eight master cutters involved in the cutting and cleaving of the stone and transformed the massive 132.5 carats rough stone into brilliant 59.60 carats, oval shaped stone. The marvelous stone was revealed to the world in 2003, in the "Splendor of Diamonds Exhibition" conducted by Smithsonian's institution and sold to anonymous purchaser, who christened the stone as "pink star". Later in the year 2005, the stone featured in the National history museum, London. The last transaction of the sparkling stone was held in the year 2013, when it was put up for an auction by Sotheby's for a huge price of $ 46 million, but the highest bid was below the estimated price, so the stone still remains in Sotheby's inventory.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes