Star of the South,

The star of the south diamond is a cushion cut stone, discovered in Brazil, 1853. It is also known as "Estrela do sol", which implies its mine of origin. The stone gains its fancy pink color, due to the refraction of light and graded as type II diamond. The sparkling gem is noteworthy because; it is the only diamond in the world with rhombic dodecahedral structure.
Qualities of the unique diamond :
It is a cushion shaped, with clarity of VS2, fancy pinkish stone, weighing 128.48 carats. When found, the stone was 254.4 carats, rhombic dodecahedral structure with twenty four facets, and inclusions were there, due to the titanic iron and volcanic sand. After, cutting and cleaving of the stone, it got transformed to its current size with the highest degree of quality. The refraction of light attributed to the pinkish hue of the stone and the plastically deformed nature of the stone makes it a type II diamond.
Journey of the stone :
The diamond was discovered by a slave girl, in Estrela do Sol mines located in Brazil, in 1853. Cassimere De Morays, owner of the mine, acquired the stone from the girl and sold it to an anonymous buyer for $3,000. After few hands change, the stone reached the Coasters of Amsterdam, who cut the stone into oval shape, with the help of his master cutter. The stone grabbed everyone's attention when it was exhibited in the Great London Exposition, in 1862 and later sent to diamond dealing house, India. Mulhar Rao, Prince of Baroda, heard the news of the diamond, purchased the stone and mounted on necklace, which studded with 78.5 carats English Dresden stone. The last transaction of the stone was in the year 2002, when Rustomjee jamsetjee of Mumbai sold the stone to Cartier and the stone still remains with Cartier.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes