Glittering Stones >>Precious Stones » Sapphire
Precious Stone Sapphire
The sky is just like gigantic blue Sapphire stone into which the earth is embedded – this belief was actually cherished in ancient times. And, in fact, does there exist a better image to describe the beauty of its immaculate Sapphire of purest blue? This gemstone exists in all the other shades of blue skies, from the deep blue of evening skies to the bright and deep blue of a clear and beautiful summer sky which charms all people. The splendid gemstone, however, also comes in many other colours, which not only in the transparent grayish misty blue of far horizons, but also displaying its bright fireworks of sunset colour – yellow, pink, orange and also purple. So Sapphires are really and truly heavenly stones, although they are being found in the hard soil of so-called "blue planet”.
Historical Facts of Sapphire

Refractive Index: 1.759 - 1.778
Chemical composition: AL22O3
Hardness: 9
Crystal system: Hexagonal
Density: 4.00
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Month of the year: September
Planet: Venus
Ocurrence: Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Burma, Madagascar, India, Kenya, Tanzania, Thailand, U.S.A, Pakistan, China
Color: Blue, bluish purple, bluish violet, greenish yellow, orangy yellow, purple, red, reddish orange, red orange, reddish purple, red purple, violet, violetish blue, yellow, yellowish orange, pink

Precious Gem Stone Sapphire Jewelry

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes