Glittering Stones » Semi Precious Stones » Rhodolite
Semi Precious Stone Rhodolite
Rhodolite is a fancy pinkish pyrope garnet. The semi precious gemstone derives its name from a Greek word "rhodon", meaning "rose colored". The color of the sparkling stone may vary from a rose-pink, a purple-red, a purple-pink to a raspberry-red. These sparkling wonders pose high demand, owing to its inclusion free, eye clean nature. It is also known as "stone of inspiration" as it is highly associated with emotional healing.
Physical properties of the gemstone:
The chemical composition of the gemstone includes almandine and pyrope garnets. Owing to its color, brilliance, fire, and durability, the sleek stone has never gone out of demand. Due to its cubic crystal system, it shows negligible cleavage. The unique feature of the vitreous stone is that it produces bright fluorescence, when exposed to ultraviolet light. Heating the stone at high temperature makes it to change its fancy pink color to strange hessonite brown. Though it possesses extreme hardness, it is cut into glossy cabochons. The diaphaneity of the gem varies from transparent to translucent. It is not subjected to any artificial treatments, in order to enhance its color and luster.
Common sources of Rhodolite:
Large quantity of gemstone deposits are found in Brazil, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Madagascar. The recent pink gemstones that are widely used in jewelry industry, comes from South Africa.

Historical Facts of Rhodolite
Refractive Index: 1.770 - 1.820
Chemical Composition: (Mg,Fe)3Al2(SiO4)3
Hardness: 7–7.5
Density: 6.8-8.0
Crystal Group: Cubic
Luster: vitreous
Color: light to dark purplish red through reddish purple
Ocurrence: Brazil, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Madagascar.
Jewelry settings:
The skillful cutting of the gemstone makes it ideal for almost all the types of ornaments that include necklace, rings, bracelets, earrings, anklet etc. The invaluable semi precious stone can be set in silver or gold settings, as they bring out the fire of the gem more accurately. Distinct feature of the pink stone ornaments is that it will not clash with other ornaments that you're wearing, rather it compliment them. These rhodolite ornaments wakes up the star inside of you.
Gem Stones Rhodolite Jewelry

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes