Regent Diamond,

The "Regent diamond" is a colorless stone, which was discovered in the kollur mine, Andhra Pradesh, India, in 1698. When found, it was a huge uncut rough stone, weighing 410 carats (82g). The diamond is named after the Regent of France, Duke d'Orleans Philippe II. He acquired the stone from Thomas Pitt, the British statesman; hence, the stone is also called as "Pitt diamond".
Features of the authentic diamond :
The diamond is 140.64 carats, D-colored, cushion shaped stone with a slight bluish tinge. All the Indian origin diamonds are known for their flawless nature, the regent stone is also flawless both internally and externally, without any inclusions. When exposed to UV light, it produces a blue florescence, in artificial or day light; it gives a slight bluish tinge. The stellar cut is made in such a way that the eight needle like facets on the lower pavilion of the stone, facing outwards from the culet facet. This brilliant cut makes the stone unique and elegant, when compared to other D-colored stones. It is a chemically pure and structurally perfect stone because of the absence of impurities and plastic deformation.
History of origin :
Unlike other diamonds, this exquisite stone is associated with a thrilling history. It is widely believed that the stone was originated in kollur mine, in India. The slave, who worked in the mine, discovered the stone and smuggled it, by hiding the stone inside his wounded leg. An English sea captain acquired the stone by killing the slave and sold it to Jam Chard, an Indian merchant. In 1702, the British Governor, Thomas Pitt purchased the stone from the Indian merchant. After cutting the diamond into proper size, he sold the stone to duke d'Orleans Philippe II, regent of France. The stone adorned the treasures of French Emperors for years. Later in 1801, Napoleon Bonaparte acquired the stone and mounted in his sword to embellish it. In 1887, after the defeat of Napoleon, the diamond was again added to the French crown jewels and remains there till date.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes