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Parsons Synthetic Diamond

Book Name: Synthetic Diamond
Author: Parsons
published: 1893
The lattice parameter of synthetic diamond single crystals has been measured in the range 4.2-320 K by the X-ray diffraction method. The lattice parameter is found to be nearly constant between 4.2 and 90 K. The thermal expansion coefficient α calculated from the experimental results is very small (of the order of 10-7 or less) and no definite evidence of the negative thermal expansion is found within our relative experimental accuracy of the order of ±1×10-6.
The primary object of these experiments was to obtain a dense form of carbon which should be more durable than the ordinary carbon when used in arc lamps, and at the same time to obtain a material better suited for the formation of the burners of incandescent lamps. There were a considerable number of experiments made in which the conditions were somewhat alike, and many were almost repetitions with slightly varying pressures and temperatures. They may, however, be divided into two distinct classes: the first, in which a carbon rod surrounded by a fluid under great pressure is electrically heated by passing a large current through it; the second, in which the liquid is replaced by various substances such as alumina, silica, lime, etc.
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COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes