Oppenheimer Diamond,

The Oppenheimer is a fancy yellow diamond weighing 253.7 carat (50.74g). This world's largest uncut diamond was earthed in Dutoitspan mine, located near South Africa, in 1964. In remembrance of Sir Ernst Oppenheimer, this fabulous yellow stone is named as "Oppenheimer diamond".
Features of the diamond that astonished the discoverers :
Unlike other diamonds, it has a distinct octahedral shape with a beautiful intense yellow tinge. The huge weight of 253.7carat makes it as a second largest diamond in the world. It is one of the rarest, naturally formed yellow crystals. Carbon is the parent material of these diamonds. Each carbon atom is encircled by four other carbon atoms and forms a simple cubic unit. The octahedral structure is obtained by repetition of these units in face centered cubic pattern and crystallizing in isometric crystal system. Due to its eight sided structure, it is extremely resistant to high temperature and pressure. The rare yellow color of this gem is due to the absorption of blue light from the spectrum, by the nitrogen atoms that is scattered throughout the cubic structure. Its elegance is enhanced by the fabulous cutting of the master cutters.
History :
In 1964, it was discovered in Dutoitspan mine, South Africa. Harry Winston, the great diamond dealer, came to know about the spectacular features of this unique stone and decided to purchase it. Later, he christened the stone as Oppenheimer, in memory of Ernst Oppenheimer. Ernst was born in Germany and immigrated to South Africa, in 1902. In the same year, Cecil Rhodes, founder of De Beers passed away. In 1919, Ernst took over De Beers. During the period of his leadership, De-Beers company ranked first in the diamond trade. Harry Winston was his great follower, so before donating the yellow treasure to Smithsonian institution he changed its name as "Oppenheimer". The phenomenal glittering yellow stone is still adorning the Smithsonian exhibition.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes