Nepal Diamond,

Diamonds are always considered to be "The Miracle of nature". They are the hardest treasure found under the earth in the form of allotropes of carbon. The diamonds with Indian origin are always valued in the world market for their best quality. Nepal is a tiny kingdom that is land locked to India before few years. The name of this stone implies the place of its origin. The stone remained in the royal families of Nepal for several years.
Fabulous features :
This ageless gem is D-colored, pear shaped and flawless, weighing 79.41 carats. It is a type II diamond, which is absolutely colorless. Usually the impurities present inside the stone, decides the color of the stone. Since it remains colorless, it is the purest of the pure of all diamonds. This stone is perfectly formed without any structural deformations. It is the hardest gem ever discovered and it can only be melted when exposed to tremendous temperature of 5500 degree Celsius. The highest degree of clarity is given by the irradiation process. The irradiation process involves changing the position of the atoms, by subjecting it to radiation. A top diamond dealer, Johnny Kneller of South African Diamond Corporation, praised the hue, tone and saturation of this radiant stone.
History :
The sparking gem actually originated in the alluvial diamond mines, near Golconda. From 1512 to 1687, Golconda was under the control of Muslim sultan, Qutb shah. During his period, the diamond mines of Golconda were fully exploited. The movement of this stone to west side and Persia is done by the Persian and European diamond dealers, who were active in the areas of Golconda and other diamond producing mines on the eastern region of the Deccan plateau. In 17th century, Jean Tavernier, a renowned French jeweler visited Golconda and partly contributed to the movement of this stone to further west. He visited Golconda during the period of Malla kings. Later the Malla dynasty was divided into three principle regions, Kathmandu, Paten and Bhatpara. The region Kathmandu laid foundation for the modern state, Nepal. The stone eventually find its way to west after passing down several generations of Nepal rulers. The present owner of this precious glittering stone is Mr. Harry Winston of New York, who sold it from an Indian dealer.
Cutting and polishing :
The skillful crew of gemologist, polishers and DAIMCAD - designers of South African Diamond Corporation were involved in the cutting and polishing process of this stone. Before starting the cutting process, gemologist and engineers carried out an intensive scanning process in order to study the intricate details of this stone. After a complete analysis of the gem, an accurate 3D model with description of interior features is obtained. Then the model is subjected to simulation. The high precision laser machines were employed for perfect cutting. Initially the rough stone is sawed into eight massive pieces, followed with re-subjection to cutting, for obtaining the prescribed size and weight. Further the quality is enhanced by the polishing technique. Thus, life is given to this diamond through the cutting and polishing process.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes