Nassak Diamond,

The diamonds with Indian origin is always known for their magnificent look and skillful cuttings. Among them the most significant diamond is nassak diamond popularly known as "eye of the idol". Foreign invaders visit India only with the motive of plundering this glorious asset.
History :
In 15th century, nassak diamond was originated in India .This 43.38 carats dazzling stone is found in the Amaragiri mine situated in Andhra Pradesh. From 1500 to 1817, this precious stone adorned the massive Shiva idol in Trimbakeshwar temple near Nashik, in the state of Maharashtra. After defeating the local ruler, The British East India Company plundered this diamond and sold it to British jewelers named Run dell and Bridge in 1818. During this period it is characterized as diamond of greatest purity but in bad form. American jeweler Harry Winston redefined its shape to get emerald form. The nassak diamond reached United States of America in 1927. It earned the name as one of the best top 24 diamonds in the world in the year 1930. Edward.J.Hand, a trucking firm executive acquired it in New York auction in 1970. Later it changed few hands. The famous British actor, Richard Burton bought this for his wife Elizabeth Taylor, a well known Hollywood actress by paying a highest sum of money ($1.05).
In early days, the pure Indian cut nassak diamond was available in heart shape with a weight of 90 carats and later it was transformed into proper emerald form. The nassak diamond in the current market is a colorless diamond with brilliant blue tinge weighing 43.38 carats (8.68g). The parent material for this glittering stone is carbon which belongs to graphite family and glows orange when exposed to ultraviolet rays. They are formed underneath the earth surface and raised by using kimberlite igneous pipes. At the time of extraction from mines these diamonds have a hard surface; its qualities are enhanced after treating it to proper polishing. Followed by polishing, it is subjected to heat treatment to obtain a proper shape. The name "eye of the idol" implies the fact; this diamond is stolen from the idol of the Hindu deity Shiva and considered to be the pride of India. These collections of rare stones are good in color, clarity, cut and quality. The clarity of this precious stone is derived from high quality etching process. The etching must be done with great care and proper temperature must be maintained because if anything goes wrong the entire shape gets collapsed. This type of unique glittering stone posses tremendous shining which has the capacity to grab every one's attention.
Demand :
There is always a great demand for this naturally occurring substance, since eighty percent of industrial process depends on it. For past few years, India has encountered a great progress in diamond trade. The degree of excellence is always maintained in this quality stones. Though it is costly, now-a-days it has become the symbol of luxury. The craze for diamond is always high due to its phenomenal qualities.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes