Lesotho Promise,

The word "diamond" is derived from a Greek word which means "unbreakable". These are the hardest natural occurring substance found underneath the earth surface. It is originated in Lesotho, tiny kingdom situated in the eastern part of South Africa. Lesotho promise is a 603-carat, rough diamond discovered at the Letseng mine on August 22, 2006. The Letseng, is the only highest mine in the world, with the incredible height of 3000 ft. above the sea level. When found, it was the 15th largest, and the tenth largest white diamond ever to be discovered and considered as the miracle of nature. Another significant fact about this stone is that it becomes the largest reported find for this 21st century. The diamond earned its name from its country of origin and remains as icon of the rough stone.
Fabulous qualities :
The 601carat Lesotho brown, which was considered to be the first massive glorious stone, was pushed to second place by this stone. It poses a pyramidal shape, which can be even transformed into heart shape. This is the highest rating D-colored diamond. The uncut piece of this type is bigger than a golf ball and found to be mysterious and rare piece. The symmetric nature of this stone reduced the risk of stone shattering to great extent. This precious gem gains its ultra rich look through the skillful cutting of the master cutters. The billionaires everywhere in the world like to invest their wealth in something transportable; for them Lesotho stone is the good choice.
The crystallized carbon makes irregularities and cracks rare. The DIAMCAD (Diamond - computer aided design), highly innovative technique is roped into the cutting and polishing process, in order to eliminate all the imperfections and inclusions. 26 pieces of rough diamonds can be drawn from this single glorious stone. Though cutting and polishing are immensely complicated this sparkling wonder deserves it. This incredible stone mesmerized every one with its intricate features. The laser sawing technique is employed, to make its dimensions fabulous. It remains as the legacy of Letseng. The gemological institute of America certified the authenticity of this dream diamond. A group of experts analyzed the spectacular qualities of this record breaking stone and entitled it as "star of Lesotho".
Reveal of the legendary stone :
The discovery of phenomenal stone was announced to the world on October 4, 2006. The Antwerp diamond center, in Belgium officially displayed the sparkling wonder for public view. Later the diamond was dispatched for auction on 9th October, 2006. After several hours of quality analysis, top dealers and cutters submitted bids for this stone. The auction followed the procedure of "Novel secret bidding" in which the prospective buyers are requested to submit written bids, and the highest bid is selected amongst them based on the owner's requirement. The South African diamond corporation (SAFDICO) successfully acquired the diamond by paying the highest sum of $12.36 million. The other companies that gave close competition were Antwerp's rosy blue group, Omega diamonds and Alain Sternberg group.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes