
Koh-I-Noor, the 105 carat (21.6 g) largest known white colorless diamond in the world. The stone originated from Kollur Guntur district of the state Andhra Pradesh, India. The stone belongs to various Hindu, Mughal, Persian, Afghan, Sikh and British rulers who bitterly fought over the point. Finally, East India Company seized the gem and it became part of British crown jewels. The historical evidence says that it originated from Guntur region of Kakatiya kingdom in Andhra Pradesh, the diamond producing region and it was the only known source for diamonds until 1730. The term Golconda is known for the rare, color, clarity and transparency valuable white diamonds.
The early history says that the diamond may be found in baburnama, the memoirs of Babur, the first mogul ruler of India. Al-ed-Din Khalji, the ruler of Delhi defeated the last king of Gujarat and secured more treasures. The record states that Al-ed got his hands on diamond at Gujarat and another account says that it is obtained from Deccan.
Khalji dynasty ended in 1320 A.D and Ghiyas ud Din Tughlug Shah I ascended the Delhi throne. Ghiyas ordered his commander Ulugh khan in 1323 to defeat the king Prataparudra. Khan returned after a month by defeating the king. From the kingdom, lots of gold, diamond, pearls and ivory were carried away to Delhi on horse, elephants. Kohinoor was part of it and from that the stone passed through the successive rulers of the Delhi and finally passed to Babur. N baburnama, Babur has mentioned that the stone belongs to an unnamed rajah malwa in 1294. Babur diamond was likely to be known as Koh-I-Noor.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes