Glittering Stones >> Keep your Gemstone and Crystal shine
Keep your Gemstone and Crystal shine forever
Before you start to use your crystals you should actually cleanse them.
After you have cleansed your stones, don't let any other people handle them, unless you are willing to rinse out them again right away.
This is not a one time activity. Since crystals hold your energies, and help in removing or changing energy, achieving balance, etc, you want to cleanse them routinely. You don't want the stored negative energy they removed from you to remain in the crystals.
If you think that crystals are just lumps of minerals, and what you do to them doesn't matter, you are almost certainly in the wrong place.
Would you like to be masked in salt? YIKES! How about nice salted temperate water baths to sooth your muscles? Sounds better, right?
Do you love the smell of blazing incense? Do you just love transient thru the scent on you way to do other tings? I do. I have incense blazing several times a day. Do you like the woodsy reek of Hickory smoke? Would you want to sit in a nice cool running stream? Yes, of course you would. Would you like to stay there for 3 days?
Use these guidelines, and you will do just fine in cleaning your crystals.
SmudgingHold your gemstone and crystal over the smoke of incense for about few minutes to smudge the gem or crystal and then clear the energy inside. Some people would only use White Sage Smudge, but we feel several are very good for cleaning, including, Sandalwood, Cedar wood, and Sage and also Sweet grass. It is particularly smoky, which is why people like it for cleansing. This method is very quick particularly if you burn a lot of candles and enrage as part of your daily habit, as we do. It could run several crystals thru the smoke, as it only takes about 20 or 40 seconds of smoke to cleanse. |
SoakingSoak your gemstone and crystal in sea salt dissolved in warm purified and spiral water. Don't use a metal bowl. I leave mine in about 3 or 5 hours, and I do not do them all at once. Rinse them in cool water before you are finished to remove any salt. Do not re-use that salt water. Those negative energies you wanted to rid from your gems are now in the water! Don't soak porous stones, like opal, lapis, and also coral. It will harm the stone. For those stones then would use a Sage smudge. |
Running waterPlace your stones in a mesh bag, and immerse in an outdoors stream or river for a few hours. This both cleanses and re-energizes your stones. They would adore it if you put them in a mesh bath while you fill the tub. |
SunlightPlace your gemstone and crystal in warm sunlight for about 4 hours. Moonlight Place your gemstone and crystal in direct moonlight overnight. A nice size bedroom casement sill is perfect. Don't choose one that gets the hot morning sun. |
BuryingWrap your gem or crystal in clean cloth and
bury it in damp ground in a special place. I have a small garden
right by my front door, and that is huge for me, as I like it
close to me. I think the crystals like this method; it’s
a lot like going back into the "womb" where they were
born. Leave for about the time it takes to birth a child, but
not more than 12 hours. |

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes