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Jobim The Mineral Wealth of Brazil

Book Name: The Mineral Wealth of Brazil
Author: Jobim
Published: 1941
It may be said that little is known of the true extent of the mineral resources of Brazil. The data which is divulged in publications or reports accessible only with difficulty by the public are, with rare end significant exceptions, antiquated and thus do not fully correspond to the needs of the interested.
Some years ago, while serving in the Brazilian Consulate in Yokohama, Japan, the writer had the opportunity of assisting Consul Raul Bopp in the preparation of Geografia Mineral which had as its objective the evaluation of the international importance of the mineral wealth of Brazil. This book, published in Japan and distributed in Brazil, attained a popularity far beyond the expectations of its authors and was depleted with surprising rapidity. At practically the same time, there was edited'in the city of Sao Paulo a book which described the mineral situation within the country, A Riqueza Mineral do Brasil, written by Mr. S. Froes Abrcu.
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Jobim The Mineral Wealth of Brazil


COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes