Glittering Stones » How to Care and Clean Diamonds
How to Care and Clean Diamonds

Diamonds are durable and resistant to scratches, except by another diamond. They maintain their brilliant fire well and it is vulnerable to cracking, breakage or spoiling. This prominent quality of diamond makes well suited to wear regularly and it’s a most perfect for engagement and wedding rings.
How to Care a Diamond
A diamond should be given proper care. Sometimes,
It can chip by sharp blow or become loose in its settings and fall out.
Diamonds tends to pick grease & oils and becomes dirty with handling
How to clean a diamond should be known before it’s meant for cleaning.
How to Clean the Diamonds
Diamonds tend to become dirty, grease and oily with handling. Occasionally, for cleaning a diamond the below mentioned tips can be used:
Diamond should be wiped with lint free cloth.
Use soft brush, mild soap and warm water
Commercial cleaning solution can be used, except ultrasonic and steam cleansers
Steps to Clean a Diamond
Use lint free cloth to wipe any kind of grease and oil substances. Make sure that the cloth is clean before used.
Also, make a mix of warm water and soap. Then use soft brush to clean the diamond in soap water mixture. (Or)
Commercial cleaning solution can also be used to clean the diamond jewelry. It’s not recommended to use ultrasonic and steam cleansers.
Rinse the diamond jewelry
Wipe off the diamond using clean cloth to dry.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes