Glittering Stones » Semi Precious Stones » Hemimorphite
Semi Precious Stone Hemimorphite
The Hemimorphite stone is a zinc silicate mineral and considered to be the component of calamine. The gemstone is also called as "Buddha stone", since it infuse the sense of peace in wearer and alleviates anger and selfishness. The stone is also capable of assisting blood circulation and balancing the hormones. The name of the stone is derived from Greek words "hemi" and "morph", which means "half-shape".
Occurrence of the stone:
The hemimorphite commonly occurs as a result of oxidation of the upper parts of lead and zinc ores. It is also found underneath metamorphic rocks and igneous rocks.
The fabulous physical features of the gemstone:
The stone is available in wide range of colors that include white, blue, greenish yellow etc. It has a pyramidal crystal system with perfect cleavage. The vitreous luster stone must be handled with great care, owing to its brittle tenacity. It is soluble in acids. The diaphaneity of the stone varies from transparent to translucent. Due to its biaxial optical properties, it has perfect refraction with accurate refractive index. The stone exhibits strong green fluorescence, when exposing to UV light of shorter wavelength and light pink fluorescence with UV light of longer wavelength. It is not subjected to any artificial treatments. The refractive index of the stone varies from 1.614 to 1.636. The unique pyroelectric and piezoelectric properties makes the gemstone distinct.

Historical Facts of Hemimorphite
Refractive Index: 1.612 - 1.633
Chemical Composition: Zn4Si2O7(OH)2.H2O
Hardness: 4.5 - 5
Density: 3.44
Crystal Group: Orthorhombic
Luster: Vitreous, Silky
Ocurrence: U.S.A, China, Mexico, England, Zambia
Color: White, Blue, Greenish
Healing properties:
The stone let more light to enter into your auric field, in order to improve your ascension and spiritual growth. Being related with throat chakra, it also aids communication skills. The magical stone is also capable of enhancing your psychic powers, which in turn elevates your medium ship and channeling powers.
Gem Jewelry Hemimorphite

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes