Glittering Stones » Semi Precious Stones » Grossular
Semi Precious Stone Grossular
Grossular is a calcium alumunium mineral species of garnet group with the chemical composition of Ca3Al2 (SiO4)3. Sometimes, the mineral grossular is also incorrectly called as grossularite. The common variety of grossular is hessonite that appears to be yellow crystals with inferior hardness. The shades of the mineral include cinnamon brown, red and yellow and mostly the gemstone is found in Siberia. The name grossular derives from the botanical name gooseberry. It is found in metamorphosed limestones with vesuvianite diopside, wollastonite and wenerite. The other names for grossular are misnomers, colophonite, ernite. Viluite is the variety name of grossular colored to be olive green, brownish or reddish.
Types of the gemstone:
African green garnet:
The sparkling gem is deep green in color with high toughness. It is widely found in South Africa, so it is named as African green garnet. The fibrous stone is highly associated with heart chakra and it improves the confidence level in wearer.
The hessonite stone was originated in the land of spices Ceylon, so it is also called as cinnamon stone. The gorgeous gem is known for its fancy reddish brown color. The valuable stone is associated with sacral chakra and it promotes self respect, clarity of emotions, and calms the wearer.
The emerald green gemstone is widely found in USA and Europe. The magical stone builds positive attitude and it is also used in crystal healing therapies.

Historical Facts of Grossular
Refractive Index: 1.72 - 1.748
Chemical Composition: Ca3Al2(SiO4)3
Hardness: 7 - 7.5
Density: 3.65
Crystal Group: Cubic
Luster: Greasy to vitreous
Color: Brown, Yellow, Green, red, Opaque pink
Varieties: Hessonite, Tsavorite, Leuco-garnet, Xalostocite
Ocurrence: Canada, E Africa, Pakistan, New Zealand, Ceylon, S.Africa, U.S.A
Physical properties:
The gemstone has cubical crystal system, vitreous luster and improper cleavage. The unique feature of the stone is that it changes its color, when exposing it to ultra violet light. The stone possess transparent diaphaneity with mild dispersion. The stone is prone to birefringence, absorption, pleochroism, single and double refraction.
Gem Stones Grossular Jewelry

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes