Glittering Stones >> Gem Care And Handling
Gem care and handling
Although gemstones are among the most durable substances, they definitely need some care. Following a few general tips would make sure that they last for generations still looking like the day you bought them.
Very first thing: keep them clean! Rings in particular tend
to collect dust and then soap behind the stone,
especially if you wear them all the time. To clean transparent
crystalline gemstones, simply soak them into
water with a touch of gentle soap. If necessary, use a soft
toothbrush to scrub behind the stone.
Even the hardest gemstone variety could
be vulnerable to breakage if it has inclusions that weaken
the crystal structure. Exercise common sense: if
you have a ring set with a softer gem variety
and an included stone, take it off before strenuous exercise.
are very hard but could shatter in two with a single well-placed
blow. Rubies and sapphires are
the toughest gems but even they could chip
if hit sharply.
Think twice before putting gems in any ultrasonic
cleaner. Diamonds and rubies and sapphires would be fine but
many other gems may not be: when in doubt, leave it out. Diamonds,
rubies and sapphires, and few other single-crystal
gems can be cleaned with a touch of ammonia in water
to remove all films and add extra sparkle.
Opaque gemstones like lapis
malachite needs
special care. Never use an ultrasonic cleaner and never use
ammonia and any chemical solution. These gem materials needs
be just be wiped clean gently with a moist cloth. These gemstones could be porous and may absorb chemicals, even soap,
and they would build up inside the stone and discolor it.
Opals also require special care. Never use
an ultrasonic, never use ammonia, and avoid heat and also strong
light which could dry out the water in opals.
Organic gems like pearls, coral, and amber needs
only be wiped clean with a moist cloth. Due to their organic
nature, these gems are both soft
and very porous. Be careful about chemicals in hairspray, cosmetics,
or perfume: they could, over time, damage pearls in particular.
Store each piece of gemstone jewelry separately so that harder stones don't scratch softer ones. Almost every gemstone is much harder than the metal it is set in. Gems could scratch the finish on your gold, silver or platinum if you throw your jewelry in a heap in a drawer or jewelry box
The reason why these materials need more care than transparent gemstones is that these materials are essentially rocks, not crystals of a single mineral. Think about it: when you put a rock in water, it absorbs the water and is moist all the way through. A single crystal gem like sapphire will not absorb water: all the molecules are lined up so tightly in the crystal that there is no room for water to enter.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes