Glittering Stones » Gemstones & Diamond books
Complete List of Gemstone Books
A.H. Church Precious Stones in Science, Art
A.H. Church, Precious stones considered in their scientific and artistic relations London, S. Henson, 1891. VG hardback in dark green cloth with black & gilt. New ed.. With col.plate & woodcuts. Owner's name on front pastedown
Agricola Textbook of Mineralogy
Georgius Agricola (Georg Bauer) born in Glauchau, in the province of Saxony in what is now Germany, Agricola studied classics at Leipzig University, taught Latin and Greek for a few years
Al-Biruni Book of Stones
The Persian scientist Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī introduced early scientific methods for several different fields of inquiry during the 1020s and 1030s. For example, in his treatise on mineralogy, Kitab al-Jamahir (Book of Precious Stones), al-Biruni is "the most exact of experimental scientists"
Albertus Magnus Virtue of Stones
Saint Albertus Magnus, O.P. (1193/1206 - November 15, 1280), also known as Saint Albert the Great and Albert of Cologne, was a Dominican friar and bishop who achieved fame for his comprehensive knowledge of and advocacy for the peaceful coexistence.
Aristotle Meteorology
Aristotle (Greek: Aristoteles) (384 BC – 322 BC) was a Greek philosopher, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. He wrote on many subjects, including physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, politics.
Bahadur A Handbook Of Precious Stones
Precious stones have been known from ancient times. Early man appreciated the beautiful in nature, such as coloured berries, attractive shells, brightly coloured pebbles, etc., and used them for personal adornment.
Ball Diamonds Coal and Gold of India
1864-81. Valentine Ball (1843-1895)was employed as clerk to the Geological Survey of India.His tour of the Krishna Distrct led to the publication of his.The Diamonds.Coal and Gold of India(1881).
Bastin Geology Pegmatites Maine
The field studies which form the basis of this report were made by the writer during July and August, 1906, under the general supervision of George Otis Smith, of the United States Geological Survey.
Beveridge Baburnama
The Babur Nama, a journal kept by Zahir Uddin Muhammad Babur (1483–1530), the founder of the Mughal Empire, is the earliest example of autobiographical writing in world literature, and one of the finest.
Bowie Hydraulic Mining in California
Bowie Augustus Jesse published a book named 'A Practical Treatise on Hydraulic Mining in California' focusing on gold mines and mining in California.
Boyle Essay on Virtue of Gems.
Robert Boyle (25 January 1627 – 31 December 1691) was a natural philosopher, chemist, physicist, inventor, and gentleman scientist, also noted for his writings in theology. He is best known for the formulation of Boyle's law.
Bradford The Berringa Gold-Field
The Berringa district is situated about 30 kilometres south-west of Ballarat. Auriferous quartz reefs occur within the Ordovician country rock which is composed of sandstones and slates.
Bulletin Imperial institute Anakie Sapphire
Mining industry of Anakie suffered a set-back during the war between Russia and Japan. It recovered from this, however, and gradually improved its position in conse Aquence of a growing taste for the colour varieties of sapphire
Burnham Precious Stones
A desire to penetrate the hidden mysteries of nature's operations is innate in man, and has led to some of the grandest and the most useful achievements of the human mind.
Castellani Jewellery of the Ancients
A. Castellani states, in his "Memoir on the Jewellery of the Ancients" (1861), that all the jewelry of the Etruscans and Greeks (other than that intended for the grave
Catelle Precious Stones
With one exception, the pearl, which is the product of a shell-fish, precious stones are minerals possessing qualities which adapt them for personal adornment.
Chapuzeau History of Jewels
Jewelry was made of leather or reeds strung with pebbles, berries, feathers, shells, or animal bones. People wore jewelry for religious reasons. Certain jewelry could prevent sickness and protect them from bad luck.
Crookes Diamonds
Sir William Crookes, OM, FRS (17 June 1832 – 4 April 1919) was an English chemist and physicist who attended the Royal College of Chemistry, in London, and worked on spectroscopy.
Culin Gems and Precious Stones of Arizona
Nearly all the known varieties of gems and precious stones are found in the United States, and several varieties are found in Arizona.
Dana Science and The Bible.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Thus spake the Psalmist in view of the revelation which God had made of himself in his works. With deeper emphasis may we now utter the same ascription of praise
Dieulafait Diamonds and Precious Stones.
In the following pages we intend to treat not merely of precious stones strictly so called - that is, such mineral substances as have in all times attracted the attention of man by their hardness, their brilliancy, their colour, their scarcity
Earp Gold Colonies of Australia.
The gold fields-Chances for Australian cultivators-Classes who sliould emigrate-The poor-The middle class-The aristocracy-What each can do on their arrival out-Shepherds-Mechanics-Classes wanted-Cattle farming as a beginning-Colonial
Emanuel Diamonds and Precious Stones.
Diamonds and precious stones history, value, and distinguishing characteristics. With simple tests for their. Identificati0.v. By harry emanuel, F.R.G.S. . SECOdrD edition, with a new table of the present value of diamonds. - I867
Farrington Gems and Gem Minerals.
Gems are minerals prized for their color, hardness, luster, and, for the most part, transparency. It is generally essential that a mineral to be a gem should excel in at least three of the above-named properties
Ferguson Gold Gems and Pearls in Ceylon and India.
We believe there is as good prima facie evidence of profitable quartz reefs existing in our hill-country as there was in regard to Wynaad when gold-mining companies began to be established for that region.
Fernie Precious Stones in Curative Wear
Precious Stones for Curative Wear, London, 1907; Oliver Farrington. This Precious Stone, set in the Silver Sea, (Which serves it in the office of a wall
Feuchtwanger Treatise on Precious Stones.
First edition of "the first monograph on gemstones published in the United States and an excellent one at that...In his Gems and Precious Stones of North America, the eventual successor to Feuchtwanger, published in 1890
Gardner Travels Gold, Diamond Districts Brazil.
The present volume is not given to the public, because the Author supposes it presents a better account of certain parts of the immense Empire of Brazil, than is to be found in the works of other travellers
Goodchild Precious Stones.
From the earliest times gems and precious stones have been prized on account of their beauty and for the purposes of personal adornment; this is amply shown by the numerous references to them by the ancient authors
Gratacap Geology of New York.
The Third Edition of the Geology of the City of New York is much enlarged over the Second: first, through the necessary additions of further geological studies of Manhattan Island by various investigators
Gregory Ernest Oppenheimer Biography.
Sir Ernest Oppenheimer (22 May 1880 – 25 November 1957) was a diamond and gold entrepreneur financier and philanthropist, who controlled De Beers and founded the Anglo American Corporation of South Africa.
Hahn Diamond.
Dieter Hahn is the owner of Philipp Hahn Sons (Ph. Hahn Söhne), the oldest diamond manufacturing company in Germany. He is a member of the fourth generation of his family to be involved in the diamond business
Hershey Book of the Diamond.
In mineralogy, diamond(from the ancient Greek adamas, meaning "proper" or "unalterable") is an allotrope of carbon, where the carbon atoms are arranged in a variation of the face-centered cubic crystal structure called a diamond lattice
Jackson California Gold Rush Album.
The beginning of the year 1849 one topic was uppermost in men's minds everywhere-the gold fields of California. There was reason enough for this. America was fidgety, for one thing.
Jeffries Treatise on Diamonds and Pearls.
As the following treatise is calculated to inform the world concerning the value of diamonds and pearls; the weights made use of relative thereto are here previously explained, as the knowledge of them will be found necessary to the public.
Jennings Visit To Gold Fields Wynaad.
The writer of the following pages had no idea whatever that, upon his return from a recent official visit to the goldfields, he would he called upon to write a book
Jobim The Mineral Wealth of Brazil.
It may be said that little is known of the true extent of the mineral resources of Brazil. The data which is divulged in publications or reports accessible only with difficulty by the public are, with rare end significant exceptions
Jossic 1050. Jewelry Designs.
Jossic, Yvonne Francoise (editor). 1050 Jewelry Designs: Antique, Primitive, Classic, Modern. Philadelphia, Albert A. Lampl, Succ'r. to H.C. Perleberg, (1946).
King Gems Or Decorative Stones
It is necessary to mention beforehand that this, omitting the precious, treats exclusively of the commoner species of decorative minerals-the term "Gems" being used for want of any more definite appellation
Kornitzer Gem Trader
Thai with Japanese, some European gem trader want to make a deal but always shake their head.Chantaburi precious and semi precious stones come from many directions, like Myanmar or Burma, Cambodia and as far as Madagascar
Kunz Gems in North Carolina
Among these crystals and sands occur many minerals that have yielded true gems, and North Carolina has hence become one of the most notable States for gem production in the American Union.
Lewiss Genesis and Matrix of The Diamond.
The History of the Diamond" and in the following year he communicated to the Association meeting at Manchester a much longer and more elaborate paper on the same subject, which was entitled" The Matrix of the Diamond.
Louderback Benitoite. Gem Mineral.
This is the historic Dallas Gem Mine where the discovery of Benitoite was document in 1907. This is the only known location where gem quality benitoite is found making it among the 10 most rare gems on earth.
Mastin Chemistry of Precious Stones.
What constitutes a precious stone is the question which, at the onset, rises in the mind, and this question, simple as it seems, is one by no means easy to answer, since what may be considered precious at one time, may cease to be so at another.
McCarthy Fire in The Earth.
He begins by smashing the prophetic crystal ball of our culture and naming the existential fear of unknowing and alientation from a collective vision of moving forward together.
Morgenthau Minerals and Cut Stones.
A nearly pure Orthoclase. It is almost transparent and when polished is the Moonstone of the jewelers. Agate: A variegated Chalcedony, consisting of layers of Quartz
Nicols Lapidary of History Gemstones.
The items in this special exhibition were loaned by 13 members of the Gem Artist of North America (GANA), an organization of about 100 people committed to the advancement of gemstone lapidary art.
Nitze Gold Mining in North Carolina.
The gold fields of the Southern Appalachians are situated in the area of the crystalline rocks extending from the vicinity of Washington in a general southwesterly direction
Orpen Stories About Precious Stones
OF all the gems which have served to adorn a crown or deck a beauty the Regent has perhaps had the most remarkable career. Bought, sold, stolen and lost, it has passed through many hands, always however leaving some mark of its passage, so that the historian can follow its devious course with some certainty.
Parsons Synthetic Diamond.
The lattice parameter of synthetic diamond single crystals has been measured in the range 4.2-320 K by the X-ray diffraction method.
Radcliffe The Stockholm Papyrus.
To make brownish pearls white when this is due to smoke. Take about 1 obulus of honey which is unadulterated and add to it 2 cups of cistern water.
Smith Diamonds, Pearls and Precious Stones
The purpose of this book has been primarily to give assistance to the employees of the mith Patterson Company in understanding more fully the diamond, pearl, and colored gem business by giving them, in a condensed and accurate form,
Smyth Journey on the Upper Mekong
Ex-library, label on endpaper, stamps on title page and verso and rear of map and frontis, library numbering on spine, text clean and sound, recently rebound in blue cloth, gilt titles, Good condition.
Streeter Great (Famous) Diamonds
Inexplicable admissions by Streeter because he had narrated precisely the facts about the two rulers in his book "Great Diamonds of the World", published in 1882.
Tarikh Kuh-E-Nur
Major George H. MacGregor, a Deputy Commissioner of Lahore, wrote on the 26th December, 1849 to Faqlr Sayyid Nar-ud-Dln Mohammad Bokhàrl,1 that the Goverjior-General of India, desired him to write the history of famous diamond
Tavernier Travels in India I
In the course of the preparation of a work of so diversified and complex a character as this, it is almost certain to be the case that, even up to the last moment before publication, matter bearing upon the subject comes to hand
Theophrastus on Stones.
The Californian scheme, as it has been termed, originated with the well-,known mining capitalist, Geo. Lansell, Esq., of Sandhurst, shortly after his return from a tour through Europe and America.
Thureau Mining in California and Nevada
In spite of its fundamental importance in the history of mineralogy and chemical technology, no modern annotated translation of die treatise On Stones by Theophrastus
US Geol Surv. 1882. Gemstones, Metals.
A cooperative effort of the Maine Geological Survey and U. S. Geological Survey has generated a five-volume atlas that evaluates peat resources throughout the state.
Williams Diamond Mines South Africa I
The largest rough gem-quality diamond in the world was found by Frederick Wells (above center), of the Premier Diamond Mining Company in 1905.
Wodiska A Book of Precious Stones
The object of the author is to gather together in the present volume information of all sorts about precious stones and the minerals which form their bases

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes