Glittering Stones » Gemstone Facts » Garnet
Garnet - Stone of vitality with passion
The name garnet comes from either Middle English
word gernet meaning dark red or Latin granatus (grain),
reference to the punica granatum or pomegranate.
Rare garnets found in bekily Madagascar can change
color from blue to red or pink. There are several
varieties listed in garnet
family they are pyrope,
rhodolite, almandite, spessartite, spessartine, hessonite,
grossularite and anaradite.
In garnet, six common species can be found, they
are pyrope, almandine, spessartine, grossular, uvarovite
and andradite. Garnets made up of two solid solution
series pyrope almandine spessarite and uvarovite
grossular andradite.
The gemstone garnet will available in all colors,
except pure blue. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
purple, brown, black, pink and colorless are some
of the colors of garnets.
Its natural occurrence founds in Macon County, North Carolina, United states, Russia and turkey.

Semi Precious Stone Garnet
Color: Virtually all colors
Birthstone: January
Anniversary: 2nd Year Stone
All garnets are heat sensitive, but excessive heat could cause fracturing. Garnets are abundant in lower crust and mantle of the earth and it plays an important role in understanding its geochemistry.
Garnet is one
of the oldest gemstones in history. It is a birthstone
of January and for second anniversary, it is given as
given as token of love.
It has ancient connection with
feminine life force. Also, garnet is known as a gift
of love since ancient Greek time.
Garnet rings are popular
since Victorian times and are treasured for deep red
Garnet pendant worn close to heart will promote
balance and peace of mine. >Garnets have ancient connections
with feminine life force.
The rich, sturdy, durable burgundy red color garnet is perfect and excellent match for earth tones and autumn hues. A sparkling Garnet goes beautifully with gems like opal, peridot and aquamarine.
Stone History:
Garnet- The world’s most prehistoric gems which has been treasured for thousands of years. Garnet gems were traced on Nile Delta in 3100 B.C. Beautiful Garnets beads, bracelets, and other precious jewelry were created by artesian of Egypt. In place of Bullets Asian tribes used these garnets as bullets. Garnet varieties have become known by misleading names with the name of another mineral variety like Uralian Emerald or Cape Ruby.

Garnet-the versatile gem comes in an implicit rainbow of colors which comprises of green, yellow, orange, red, brown, purple etc. Reddish Brown is the most found color of Garnet. It is a representation of fire, truth, grace, courage, faith, and compassion.

The term Garnet is derived from Latin word “Granatus” which means grains (Pomegranate seeds). Garnet belongs to the group of silicate minerals that comprise of similar crystal structure and chemical composition. Garnets in fact are one of the largest families in gemstones which are a mixture of two or more pure species like pyrope, grossularite, almandine etc. At some stage the later part of 19th centaury, garnet bracelets and other jewelers where popular. Garnet comes in many colors like red, green, pink, brown, black, yellow, purple and many more. They are found in large diversity regarding color and clarity.
Pyrope, Almandine, Grossularite, Rhodolite, Spessartine, Andradite, Carbuncle, Hessonite, Topazolite, Uralian Emerald are some of the major varieties of Garnets.
Some of the varieties of garnet are:
Garnet as Birthstone:
Garnet is considered to be birthstone for the zodiac sign Capricorns (Goat) during the month Dec 22 – Jan 19. It’s an anniversary gemstone for 2nd and 6th year of marriage.

Therapeutic ability:
For Blood Deficiency diseases Garnet is a best healing gem. It stimulates spleen, bloodstream and pituitary gland, relieves rheumatism and arthritis pain. It cures fever and promotes good health. It protects again depression and impure thoughts.

Books on Garnet-Gem:
Gemstone buying Guide - A Guide for Gemstone - by Renee Newman
Gemstone of the World - by Walter Schumann

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes