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Ferguson Gold Gems and Pearls in Ceylon and India

Book Name: Gold Gems and Pearls in Ceylon and India
Author: Ferguson
published: 1888
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Ferguson Gold Gems and Pearls in Ceylon and India
We believe there is as good prima facie evidence of profitable quartz reefs existing in our hill-country as there was in regard to Wynaad when gold-mining companies began to be established for that region. The time has, therefore, come for practical systematic investigation in Ceylon, conducted by men who know their business as gold-miners and quartz diggers, guided as far as is necessary by the scientific geologist. Some time ago we mentioned that gentlemen connected with the Lanka Plantations Company in London were interesting themselves in the question of " Gold in Ceylon," and that under their a-uspices, possibly, Mr. Brough Smyth might be asked to visit and report. Already, we believe, Mr. Smyth has given an opinion favourable to the probability of the gold-yielding reef cropping up in our hill-country, and it seems to us likely that all that this gentleman would have to do would be to set practical miners to work, to sink trial shafts, just where the information we already possess, points out to be most advisable.
In other words we are almost past the preliminary and reporting stage in Ceylon, and if a couple of intelligent, practical miners were now on the spot-men of the type we found busy sinking shafts in search of gold near Albany, Western Australia, six years ago-they would speedily fix on the spot where a trial shaft ought to be sunk.


COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes