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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
How Diamond Colors Are Graded?
What Are The Types Of Diamond Cuts?
Types Of Natural Diamond Classification
What Are The Types Of Diamond Colors?
What Is Diamond Color Grading System?
What Is A Universal Grading System For Diamond?
Why Color Of Diamond Evaluate Its Value?
What Are The Nine Categories Used By GIA To Grade Color Diamonds?
What Are The Popular Color Diamond Shapes?
Types Of Colors Produced From Diamond Irradiation
What Are HPHT Treated Diamonds?
Difference Between Fire & Brilliance In A Diamond?
How Quality Of A Pearl Is Determined?
What Are The Treatments Applied To Gemstones?
What Is A Diamond?
A diamond is a mineral composes carbon crystal at extremely high temperatures and pressures. Diamonds form 150-200 km or more below the earth surface. It is the hardest of all known natural substance with 10 on Mohs scale, 2.417 refractive index, 0.044 dispersion, 3.52 specific gravity and adamantine luster. It forms in cubic or isometric and the color ranges from colorless to yellow, brown, gray, orange, green, blue, white, black, purple, pink and red. Colorless diamond is the most valuable diamond.
How Diamond Are Formed?
Diamonds are formed beneath the earth crust, 150 km below the surface. They are formed by incredible pressure which transforms pure carbon into diamonds.
How Diamonds Are Weighted?
Diamonds are weighted in metric Carats. One carat is equal to 0.2 grams.
Why Color Of Diamond Evaluate Its Value?
The value of Diamond is all about how close they are related to colorlessness. In diamond, the less color, the higher their value.
What Are 4C's?
The 4C’s in diamond are Color, Cut, Clarity and Carat. These are the standard diamond grading system to value the price of a diamond.
What Is A Universal Grading System For Diamond?
The universal grading system for diamond is 4Cs
* Carat
* Color
* Clarity
* Cut
How Diamond Colors Are Graded?
Fancy color diamonds are graded in two ways, the first grading method is stone’s basic hue such as pink, yellow, blue and green. The second grading method is intensity.
What Are The Nine Categories Used By GIA To Grade Color Diamonds?
* Faint
* Very Light
* Light
* Fancy Light
* Fancy
* Fancy Dark
* Fancy Intense
* Fancy Deep
* Fancy Vivid
What Are The Popular Color Diamond Shapes?
Round or brilliant, oval, princess and radiant color diamonds are in high demand. Even fancy color diamonds cuts can be seen in hearts, asschers, marquise, pear, cushion and emerald.
What Is Clarity?
The term clarity refers to the stone relative position on flawless to imperfect scale. The characteristic is classified as inclusions or blemishes. The size, number, position, nature and color are the characteristic that determines the clarity grade. Some diamonds are flawless showing no inclusions or blemishes and they are most valuable diamonds.
What Is Color?
In diamond valuation, color is the important factor that decides the price of a diamond. Grading color involves stones body color approaches. Most of the diamonds will have trace of yellow or brown color. Among the natural fancy colors like blue, pink, purple or red, colorless diamond is the most valuable. GIA Diamond Grading System uses letters to represent colors starting from D (colorless) and ending at Z (light yellow or brown).
What Is A Cut?
The proportion and finish of a polished diamond is the cut and it also means the shape of the diamond like brilliant cut or emerald cut. The proportion is the size and angle relationship between the facets and different parts of the stone.
What Is Carat Weight?
The metric carat which equals to 0.200 gram is the standard unit of weight for diamonds. The carat is divided into 100 points and the diamond of 50 points weighs 0.50 carats. But diamonds of equal weight will have different values depending on their clarity, color and cut.
What Is Diamond Enhancement?
With advancement of technology, it is possible to alter the color and clarity of naturally occurring diamonds. It is modified in labs and they are called treated diamonds or enhanced diamonds.
Types Of Colors Produced From Diamond Irradiation :
Using diamond irradiation process, blue, green, yellow, orange, red and pink colors can be produced.
What Are HPHT Treated Diamonds?
HPHT stands for high pressure high temperature. It is a laboratory process that changes the color of gem. HPHT treatment can change the color of certain type IIa diamonds into colorless, pink or blue and certain type Ia diamonds to green, yellowish green or yellow.
What Are The Types Of Diamond Cuts?
* Round Cut Diamonds
* Princess Cut Diamonds
* Emerald Cut Diamonds
* Asscher Cut Diamonds
* Marquise Cut Diamonds
* Oval Cut Diamonds
* Radiant Cut Diamonds
* Pear Cut Diamonds
* Cushion Cut Diamonds
Types Of Natural Diamond Classification
* Type 1a
* Type 1b
* Type 2a
* Type 2b
What Are The Types Of Diamond Colors?
* Colorless diamonds
* Pink Diamonds
* White Diamonds
* Yellow Diamonds
* Blue Diamonds
* Green Diamonds
* Orange Diamonds
* Champagne Diamonds
* Pink Champagne Diamonds
What Is Diamond Color Grading System?
* D-E-F - Colorless
* G-H-I-J - Nearly colorless
* K-L-M - Faintly tinted, usually yellow
* N-O-P-Q-R - Lightly tinted, usually yellow
* S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z - Tinted, usually yellow to brownish
Difference Between Fire & Brilliance In A Diamond?
Fire is the colored light that reflects from within a diamond.
The white light flowing into a stone is separated into many colors of rainbow like a prism.
Brilliance means when the white light is reflected through the top of a diamond.
Cutting a diamond in a correct proportion will increases the reflection of light from
the facets & maximizes the brilliance.
What Is A Gemstone?
A Gemstone is a precious or semi precious stone with high degree of beauty, rarity, durability and desirability that can be cut and polished for making jewels.
How Gemstones Are Weighted?
Gemstones are weighted in Carats and Ounces. Carats are unit of weight that equals to 0.2 grams. 142 Carats are equal to one Ounce.
How To Buy Gemstones?
To buy gemstones, there are some steps to evaluate its quality
* Gem Color
* Cut & Beauty
* Gem Clarity
* Rarity & Carat Weight
* Inclusion & Value
How Quality Of A Pearl Is Determined?
The quality of pearl is determined based upon the type of pearl. The freshwater pearl includes shape, size, color, luster and surface quality.
How Gems Are Characterized?
Gemstones are characterized in terms of refractive index, dispersion, specific gravity, hardness, cleavage, fracture and luster. It also exhibit pleochroism or double refraction.
What Is A Birthstone?
A Birthstone is a precious or semiprecious stone used by a person based upon the particular month or sign of zodiac, he born.
What Are The Treatments Applied To Gemstones?
* Heat
* Radiation
* Waxing/Oiling
* Fracture Filling

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes