Glittering Stones » Semi Precious Stones » Enstatite
Semi Precious Stone Enstatite
Enstatite, the pyroxene silicate mineral and ferrosilite mineral forms a complete solid solution found in igneous, metamorphic rocks and meteorites. The chemical composition is also defined has hepersthene, which has been formally abandoned and replaced by orthopyroxene.
The enstatite is one of the precious mineral found. The emerald green variety of enstatite is known as chrome enstatite and it cut as a gemstone. The green color of enstatite is formed by the traces of chromium and bronzite, hypersthene are the other popular names of the mineral enstatite. Today, bronzite is also used as a gemstone variety for the jewelry.
The mythological facts of the crystal:
The magical stone is believed to eliminate the feel of insecurity and depression. The gemstone is an excellent source of positive vibrations. The gemstone found its way in healing therapies and crystal meditation, owing to its enormous positive energies.
Jewelry designs:
The gemstone is not preferred in jewelry making industry, since it is poorly cleaved. Pendants, rings and other jewelries featuring this stone must be handled with great care. The brittle tenacity of the gem makes it unfit for intricate jewelry designs. Simple knocks or blows may cause the sparkling stone to break, so the cleaning process must be carried out cautiously.

Historical Facts of Enstatite
Refractive Index: 1.663 - 1.673
Chemical Composition: MgSiO3
Hardness: 5 - 6
Density: 3.26 - 3.28
Crystal Group: Orthorhombic
Color: Green, Olive, Yellow, Brown, Olive green
Ocurrence: South Africa, Burma, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Germany, Norway, Greenland
Gem Stone Enstatite Jewelry

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes