Glittering Stones

Glittering Stones » Semi Precious Stones » Dumortierite

Semi Precious Stone Dumortierite

Dumortierite a fibrous variably colored aluminium boro silicate mineral described first in 1881 in chaponost. The mineral typically occurs in the high temperature aliuminium rich regional metamorphic rocks. The exiting colors of the gemstone are brown, blue, green to rare violet, pink and still more. The Mohs scale hardness of dumortierite is 8.5 and the specific gravity is 3.3 to 3.4 and the crystals are vitreous.

The occurrence of the mineral can be found in Austria, Canada, France, Italy, Madagascar, Namibia, Nevada, Poland, Sri Lanka and Norway. Dumortierite is the blue colored quartz containing abundant dumortierite inclusions.

Healing benefits:
The gemstone enhances the intellectual abilities and aid retention of information. The stone is closely associated with throat chakra, so it helps in gaining elevated abilities to communicate more clearly. It is widely believed that the magical stone can improve one's telepathic abilities. The gemstone found its way in crystal meditation, owing to its capacity to create enormous positive vibrations. They help to stabilize your emotions and get rid from negative thoughts.

These gemstones are commonly used in cabochons and lapidary carvings. The extreme hardness of the gem makes it as one of the sought after gem in jewelry making industry.

Historical Facts of Dumortierite

Refractive Index: 1.659 - 1.692

Chemical Composition: Al6.5 - 7(BO3)(SiO4)3(O, OH)3

Hardness: 7 - 8.5

Density: 3.3 - 3.4

Crystal Group: Orthorhombic

Color: Red, Blue, Violet, Pink, Brown

Ocurrence: France, Russia, Magadanskaya, Siberia, Madagascar, Tanzania

Gem Stone Dumortierite Jewelry

Dumortierite Bracelet
Dumortierite Earring
Dumortierite Necklace
Dumortierite Ring


Citrine Gemstone

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes

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