Glittering Stones » Semi Precious Stones » Cymophane » Cymophane Bracelets
Semi Precious Stone Cymophane Bracelets
The flashy, vibrant colored cymophane bracelets are the trendiest accessories that elevate your personal style to next level. Best part of the gemstone bracelet is that you need not worry about matching; it works well with any style of attire and never clashes other accessories that you're wearing. Significant range of colors, designs and patterns makes the ornament more popular among youngsters.

Brown cat's eye beaded bracelet:
The delightful deep brown colored gemstone beads are hand strung on an elegant black cord. Gorgeous fresh water pearl adorns the ends of the wire cord. Apart from its rustic beauty, the ornament is known for its healing benefits.
Mint green cymophane bracelet with elegant heart charm:
The tiny mint green gemstone roundels are lined gracefully to form the bracelet that is centered with adorable gunmetal finish heart charm and secured with enchanting tongue and groove clasp. The gemstone's unique dense silk like channels creates a ravishing effect to the bracelet.
Cuff bracelet with alluring gemstone:
The awesome weave design of the delicate gold cuff is lined with the tiny cat's eye stone accents. The intricate design speaks volume about the skillful craftsmanship. The bold and beautiful ornament brings out the celebrity inside of you.
Wrap bracelet with fancy purple cymophane:
The eye catching wire wrapped gemstones exudes enormous shine and attracts everyone with its earthly elegance. The fabulous design and eye clean quality place the ornament at forefront in jewelry industry. The classic touch combined with contemporary design yields it huge customers.
Rose gold bracelet with sterling silver stations:
The appealing rose gold link bracelet bears mind blowing stations that are lined with shimmering gemstone accents. The lace design surrounding each station gives amazing effect to the bracelet. The cool factor of the ornament is that it is not a gender specific jewelry.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes