Glittering Stones » Gemstones & Diamond books » Catelle Precious Stones
Catelle Precious Stones

Book Name: Precious Stones
Author: Catelle
published: 1902 Dec
Refer More Information From Bastin Books
With one exception, the pearl, which is the product of a shell-fish, precious stones are minerals possessing qualities which adapt them for personal adornment. The product of marvellous processes and the most gigantic forces of nature, these beautiful creations lie hidden within the rocky crust of the earth or scattered among the debris which marks the paths of great cataclysms, their beauties half concealed under rough and time-worn exteriors. Found by treasure-seekers, their glories are unveiled by the art of cunning workmen, to fade no more until the eye of time grows dim. Nothing in art or nature excites more admiration and desire; few things appeal so forcibly to the common human love of the beautiful.
Discovered first in the sensuous lands of the Orient, her dark-skinned potentates gathered them into their treasure-houses, both as an enduring form of wealth and for royal adornment. Men of all ages and classes have looked upon them with desire. Poets have sung of their beauties. Philosophers have speculated about them; scientists have studied them; princes have fought for them. They have ransomed kings and won the love of queens. The High Priest of the Jews wore them in his breast-plate. They radiate the power of monarchs from their crowns, and set as signs of victory
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COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes