Glittering Stones » Semi Precious Stones » Calcite » Calcite Ring
Semi Precious Stone Calcite Ring
The calcite rings are non gender specific and are often worn by both men and women. The sleek, unique gemstone rings lend you a sense of glamour. The best part of the versatile ring is that it is available at extremely reasonable price. The everlasting elegance and timeless beauty of the calcite ring makes it a perfect accessory to any attire.

Qualities of calcite:
The calcite belongs to the family of carbonate minerals and found underneath the sedimentary rocks. It is widely believed that the stone increases and amplifies the energy that stimulating the learning abilities. The stone also found its way in crystal meditation, since, it infuse the feel of optimism and positive vibrations. The jewelry industries relay on calcite stone to greater extent. The marvelous stone is also used for soil stabilaization, soil remediation and other industrial process.
Physical properties:
The calcite stone is white in color; sometimes it is also available in shades of gray, green and blue. The semi precious stone is soluble in acids and water with high pH level. The diaphaneity of the gem varies from translucent to transparent. The stone possess birefringence, 2.71 specific gravity and vitreous luster. Marble and lime stone are the parent material of calcite and the crystallization of the stone occurs in two different stages.
Crystal healing:
The pure calcite balance all chakras and used for detoxification of kidneys. It is a stone of spirituality, wisdom, so it is used by crystal healers to reduce stress and fear.
Cleaning of the calcite rings:
Soft cloth or brush must be used to clean calcite rings. Avoid using ultra sonic cleansers or steam cleansers, since it is sensitive to heat. Store calcite jewelries separately in fabric lined box, mixing it with other hard stones will result in surface scratches of the brilliant blue stone.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes