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Bloodstone Facts
Bloodstone - "Green color stone with blood drops of Red spots embedded in it"
Stone History:

During the middle Ages, bloodstone was endorsed extraordinary powers as the spots were thought to be the blood of Jesus Christ. It was used in sculptures representing flagellation and martyrdom.
Bloodstone is dark-green variety of the silica mineral chalcedony that has nodules of bright red jasper dispersed throughout its mass. Cultured sections therefore give you an idea about red spots on a dark-green background, and from the similarity of these to drops of blood it derives its name. Its physical properties are those of quartz.

Bloodstone is a green stone with red spots. It also occurs in sunglasses of dark green with red, brown and vivid spots. The iron mineral deposits cause the deep red and brown colors.
Bloodstone as Birthstone:

Bloodstone is considered to be birthstone for the zodiac sign Pisces (Fish) during the month Feb. 19 - March 20.
Therapeutic ability:

In prehistoric times, bloodstone was considered to be able to stop hemorrhages with the merest touch (feel). Bloodstone relieves stomach and bowel pain. It strengthens blood purifying organs and improves blood circulation. Bloodstone has a positive influence on a bladder.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes