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Diamond And Precious Gemstones Articles
How to Care and Clean Diamonds
Diamonds are durable and resistant to scratches, except by another diamond. They maintain their brilliant fire well and it is vulnerable to cracking, breakage or spoiling. This prominent quality of diamond makes well suited to wear regularly and it’s a most perfect for engagement and wedding rings.
How to Care and Clean Gemstones
A Gemstone has a smooth polish, sparkling color and beautiful luster. But regular wear may damage the immense beauty of the gemstone. It is important to take proper care of them with adequate storage and cleaning process.
Tips to Buy a Gemstone
If you buy a gemstone, you’ll find immersed in beautiful colors, dazzling cuts and amazing clarity. Whether you are buying a gift for someone special or beloved ones or for yourself, consider the below tips for better purchase
How to Check a Diamond Is Real or Fake?
If a gift is purchased for someone special, it should be real and have life. Diamonds are for special occasions and for special person. Gift your loved ones with diamonds and check with a diamond appraiser before presenting it.
Diamond Engagement / Wedding Ring for Betrothal
Engagement ring is worn by women by token of her engagement. It is a gift presented by betrothal to his prospective spouse in advance representing their formal agreement to marriage. Surprising the fiancé in a gold or diamond ring with her desire shape, color, style and stone makes her lovable and romantic.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes