Glittering Stones » Semi Precious Stones » Amber Earring
Semi Precious Stone Amber Earring
Amber is at length used for
beads and other junk, and for cigar-holders and the
mouth-pieces of pipes. It is regarded by the Turks as particularly
precious, inasmuch as it is said to be incapable
of transmitting disease as the pipe passes from mouth to mouth.
The variety most appreciated in the East is the pale straw-colored,
slightly cloudy amber. Some of the most excellent
qualities are sent to Vienna for the produce of smoking appliances.
In working amber, it is turned on the lathe and refined with whitening
and water or with rotten stone and oil, the final
luster being known by friction with flannel. During the working
much electrical energy is developed.
Healing ability: Amber is brilliant for eyes,
and for glandular swellings of the throat and also for lungs.
Amber then balances endocrine and digestive network.
Mystical power: Amber also brings good luck. It is actually associated with time, cycles and longevity. Amber is also regarded as being highly sensual and the magnetic. Amber insures long enjoyment of the qualities that make the wearer attractive. Amber has long been associated with the healing energy and also for mental stimulation, and is said to balance aggressive traits

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes