Glittering Stones » About Diamond
Historical Facts About Diamonds
Diamond is the hardest transparent substance in the earth that can be cut and polished in the desired shape.
Diamonds were first mined in India hardly over 2,800 years ago.
Diamonds exist for more than three billion years ago. The recent stones found to be existed over hundred million years ago.
Historically, Romans use to wear diamonds as talismans to protect themselves against evil spirits.
During the period of 13th century, France implemented a law that only kings should wear diamonds.
Ancient Greeks believes that diamonds are splinters of stars fallen on the earth.
The biggest rough diamond ever since mined is over three thousand one hundred carats, discovered in South Africa mine on 26th of January 1905.
South Africa is the major producer of diamonds. Sixty five percent of world’s diamond is found from this country.
Mostly diamonds use to form under a hundred miles below the ground, but some forms beneath four hundred miles. These types of diamonds are called extra terrestrial diamonds formed by an asteroid impact. These types are also called carbonado.
The tradition of presenting diamond engagement ring came from Archduke Maximilian of Austria who gave diamond ring to Mary of burgundy in the year 1477.
The largest diamond in the golden jubilee is at 545.67 carats, a fancy yellow brown stone. Diamonds can be clear, pink, yellow, green and blue colors
Amazing Colors In Diamonds
Pink Diamond
Pink diamonds are the world’s valuable and rarely found diamond. Pink diamonds are considered as treasure of treasures and it is associated with femininity, love and grace. Argyle mine is the world foremost source of supplying 95% of pink diamonds. Pink diamonds produced in India, Brazil and Africa was characteristically light in color.

White Diamond
White diamond is the leading diamond color produced in wide shapes, sizes and varieties. Diamonds used in gemology are basically transparent with a little tint color. These types of diamonds are known as white diamonds. This is the most common type of diamond. Generally, valuable type of diamonds will be colorless or white diamonds.

Blue Diamond
Blue diamonds are the most valuable diamonds next to white diamonds or colorless diamonds. Blue colored diamonds are popularly referred as “Hope Diamonds”. Blue diamonds ranges from pale blue of winter day to deep hue of peacock tail. This is one of the fancy diamonds available in wide shades, shapes and sizes. Some blue diamonds have an ability of conducting electricity.

Green Diamond
Green diamonds are rare diamonds, since the natural green color comes from exposure to irradiated particles over eons. Green diamonds are fancy diamonds extremely rare and expensive available in great shapes & colors. Most of the green diamonds are produced from Argyle mine.

Champagne Diamond
Champagne diamonds are natural colored diamonds produced in wide range of colors from light straw to rich cognac. It belongs to brown diamond family in different colors like Fancy Brown Orange, Fancy Orangey Brown, Pinkish Brown and Yellow Brown.

Yellow Diamond
Fancy yellow diamonds comes in wide range of shades from light yellow to rich canary color. There are different shades of yellow diamonds available depending upon the lightness and intensity of yellow hue.

Diamond Color Grading
Colorless diamonds & diamonds that are yellow or yellowish brown are grouped into different categories. This type of grading does not apply to fancy colored diamonds as they have their own color grading standards.
Nearly colorless
Faintly tinted, usually yellow
Lightly tinted, usually yellow. Tint can be seen with the naked eye
Tinted, usually yellow - brownish. Tint will be visible to the naked eye
Types Of Natural Diamond Classification
Type 1a

This is a most common type of natural diamond containing 0.3% nitrogen. 98% of diamonds are of this type and almost they will be either in yellow or brown in color.
Type 1b

Type 1b contains 500 ppm of nitrogen. These types of diamonds are very rare and they are available at yellow, orange, green or brown in colors.
Type 2a

Type 2a is the rare natural diamond containing little nitrogen and is almost free from all forms of impurities. This type is purest form of diamond and commonly colorless.
Type 2b

This is a rare type of natural diamond containing very little amount of nitrogen. Type 2b diamonds will be in bluish color and amounts of 0.1% of all diamonds are taken together.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes