Glittering Stones »Gemstone Research Centers » Swiss Gemmological Institute (SSEF)

The Swiss Gemmological Institute, part of the Swiss Foundation for the Research of Gemstones (SSEF: Schweizerische Stiftung für Edelstein-Forschung) was founded by trade organisations in 1974 and works independently on a scientific basis. This Foundation comes under the aegis of the Federal Department of Internal Affairs. The function of the SSEF laboratory is to analyse precious stones and issue test reports for diamonds, coloured stones and pearls. It was recognised in 1978 by the International Confederation of Jewellers and Goldsmiths (CIBJO). It is also a member of the International Colored Stone Association (ICA).
The SSEF is supervised by a board of seven members, the laboratory being directed by Dr. M.S. Krzemnicki. All laboratory gemmologists have a scientific and gemmological education and work on a high level of experience and integrity. The laboratory is equipped with the most modern analytical instruments. This ensures the detection of the authenticity of gemstones and gem treatments on a scientific and reproducible basis.
After having worked for the benefit of the Swiss gemstone and jewellery trade from the beginning, the SSEF-Laboratory started offering its services also to private clients. Because our results are reliable and follow the CIBJO rules, the laboratory soon gained international recognition. Today the SSEF Swiss Gemmological Institute provides independent expert advice in the field of precious stone analysis to a wide clientele. Among them are precious stone dealers, jewellers, auction houses and private customers from many countries. The SSEF laboratory primarily examines loose cut stones, but set stones in jewellery pieces can also be tested. Test reports are written in English, French or German. However, the test reports issued are for identification only and do not provide a commercial evaluation.
INSTRUMENTATION:Besides the traditional gemmological instruments, such as microscope, immersion microscope, hand-held spectroscope, refractometer, polariscope, various conductivity testers, SSEF possesses as one of very few gemstone testing laboratories worldwide all important highly specialised scientific instruments for non-destructive gemstone testing: |
Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy two UV-VIS-NIR spectrometers three FTIR spectrometers Energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer Raman-Microspectrometer X-ray cabinet for radiographs, X-ray diffraction generator other helpful instruments |
RESEARCH:Constant research keeps the means of analysis up to date. Latest research successes encompass the study of HPHT treated type IIa diamonds (GE POL) and HT treated black diamonds, which SSEF has been able to identify as one of the first gemmological laboratories. Origin determination of gemstones Ruby from East Madagascar Sapphires from Madagascar Spinel from worldwide occurrences Paraiba tourmalines The study of new natural, synthetic and imitation materials: Distinction between natural and synthetic quartz Distinction between natural and Keshi cultured pearls Detection of gemstone treatments: Colour authenticity of pearls HPHT treatment of type I diamonds Treatment of orangy-pink sapphires By using our modern analytical instruments, the determination of chemical and physical characteristics of precious stones can be carried out without destruction or damage. The most important modern analytical methods are various types of spectrography (UV -Vis, IR, Raman) Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) X-ray spectrometry pearl radiography and X-ray diffraction |
SSEF Basic Gemmologist Certificate :Since 2002, the SSEF Swiss Gemmological Institute has formed numerous international students with its well reputed SSEF Basic Training Course program. These students received the SSEF Basic Gemmologist Certificate after a successful final theoretical and practical exam following the intensive course program given by the SSEF experts. The world-wide renowned SSEF Swiss Gemmological Institute issues this diploma only to candidates, who have fulfilled SSEF standards of gemmological knowledge and testing. By passing the exam, the candidates have revealed a basic knowledge in gemmology accompanied by practical skills in gemstone testing for the profit of their future gemstone business. According to Dr. M.S. Krzemnicki, the SSEF Director, the students not only upgraded their understanding on critical gemmological issues, they were also contributing to a very exciting course program in which all participants came together in discussions, learning from each other by connecting their knowledge from different levels of the gem trade. The Swiss Gemmological Institute SSEF would like to congratulate the successful candidates for their SSEF Basic Gemmologist Certificate. Future course participants are encouraged to follow the SSEF education program in gemmology and to join the growing number of SSEF Basic Gemmologists. |
SERVICES:Our new SSEF photocard: If you would like to have a very nice picture of your SSEF-certified gem or jewel then you can order a photocard of your item. It is the same picture as on the certificate, but with higher resolution and you may decide on the size you want to get. Verbal Short Tests are established when the customer does not require a written document, but only verbal information. The necessary tests are generally done on the spot and the result is communicated verbally to the customer. No origin determinations are given verbally. Damage Evaluation Reports determine the type and cause of damage which may have occured to a precious stone. Previous damage can often be hidden by various methods of treatment or by setting. Damage Evaluation Reports are often requested for insurance or replacement matters. |
CONTACT:SSEF Swiss Gemmological Institute Falknerstrasse 9 |

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes