Glittering Stones » Gemstone Reports » Gubelin Gem Lab Report
Gubelin Gem Lab Report
Dr. Eduard J. Gubelin, one of the forefathers of modern gemology, and who were a Founding Organizing Member as well as an Honorary Member of the International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA), passed away in Lucerne, Switzerland in March at the age of 91. Dr. Gubelin was the grandfather of ICA Director Edward Boehm.Dr. Gubelin joined his father's - Eduard Gubelin Sr - gems ad jeweler business during the first quarter of the twentieth century and was soon directed toward gemology as his father established a state-of-the-art gemological laboratory in Lucerne.
Gubelin himself became well known throughout the world for his tremendous research and work in gemology. He was the author of numerous publications, spanning many decades, including the classic Internal World of Gemstones: Documents from Space & Time (1974), which showed how the direct source of gemstones might be identified by their inclusions. Today, the Gubelin Gem Lab in Lucerne continues to be one of the best-known, prestigious gemological laboratories.
The Gübelin Gem Lab additionally provides a number of specialized services which pay attention to our client’s individual needs. For more information please contact the Laboratory Special services include: Express service Appendix page Note page Special report Off-premise testing.
Gubelin Gem Lab Issues Statement on Swat Valley Emeralds :
There have been various reports in the media recently about emeralds from Pakistan. Emeralds have been mined in the region around the town of Mingora on the Swat River since the 1960s, and some of thesegems also come onto the international market.
Reportedly, in recent weeks the Islamist fundamentalist Taliban has gained control of the Swat Valley in northern Pakistan, close to the border with Afghanistan. As a result of the Taliban seizing control, these reports now assume that the proceeds from the sale of emeralds now fall into the hands of the Taliban and will therefore be used to finance its activities.
Various states and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have long deplored the way in which the Taliban has failed to observe basic human rights, including freedom of opinion and women’s rights. Some of these organizations demand that the trade in emeralds from the Swat valley be stopped on moral grounds. There are also calls for greater transparency regarding the provenance of traded emeralds.
Colored Stones :
Authenticity and Origin Determination of Select Natural Gemstones
Ruby |
Sapphire, Emerald |
Select Colored Gemstones |
Authenticity Fee |
Authenticity Fee + Origin Fee |
* up to 1.99 ct2 |
* up to 1.99 ct2 |
* up to 1.99 ct2 |
CHF 170 (Special tariff) |
CHF 250 (Special tariff) |
2.00-3.99 ct |
2.00-7.99 ct |
2.00-6.99 ct |
CHF 345 |
CHF 690 |
4.00-7.99 ct |
8.00-14.99 ct |
7.00-11.99 ct |
CHF 430 |
CHF 860 |
8.00-14.99 ct |
15.00-24.99 ct |
12.00-19.99 ct |
CHF 540 |
CHF 1080 |
15.00-24.99 ct |
25.00-49.99 c t |
20.00-39.99 ct |
CHF 700 |
CHF 1400 |
25.00-39.99 ct |
50.00-99.99 ct |
40.00 ct and over |
CHF 875 |
CHF 1750 |
40.00 ct and over |
100.00 ct and over |
Nill |
CHF 1100 |
CHF 2200 |
Identification of other Natural, Synthetic and Imitation Stones :
Minimum fee per stone CHF 165 + CHF 25 per full 5 cts.
Where special analyses and/or special reports are required, see section D.
Diamonds :
Gubelin Diamond Certificate :

Commercial Diamonds :
Authenticity verification and quality grading of unmounted diamonds, applying the GIA system Basic fee.
Diamond |
Fee (Report & Type Note) |
up to 2.99 ct |
CHF 360 |
3.00 - 4.99 ct |
CHF 480 |
5.00 - 6.99 ct |
CHF 650 |
7.00 - 9.99 ct |
CHF 850 |
10.00 - 14.99 ct |
CHF 1125 |
15.00 - 19.99 ct |
CHF 1470 |
20.00 - 29.99 ct |
CHF 1900 |
30.00 - 49.99 ct |
CHF 2450 |
50.00 - 79.99 ct |
CHF 3100 |
80.00 - 119.99 ct |
CHF 3900 |
120.00 ct and over |
CHF 4800 |
Fancy Colour Diamonds :
Colour grading and identification of colour origin (not including clarity grading) Basic fee.
Clarity grading, if requested + CHF 100
Low-temperature analysis, if required + CHF 250
Follow-up grading of repolished diamonds 50% of basic fee
Diamond Type Note :
Diamond Type Notes (excl. Report) are also available for diamonds up to 5 ct according
to the following table:
For diamonds over 5 ct please contact us.
Diamond |
Type Note Fee |
up to 1.99 ct |
CHF 200 |
2.00 - 4.99 ct |
CHF 300 |
Pearls :
Identification by optical analysis and X-radiography
Single pearl (loose)
Single strand / one-row necklace
Each additional row
Average Pearl Measurement :
< 8 mm |
8 - 12 mm |
> 12 mm |
CHF 150v |
CHF 200 |
CHF 250 |
CHF 400 |
CHF 500 |
CHF 600 |
CHF 200 |
CHF 250 |
CHF 300 |
Miscellaneous :
If required, the services listed below may be carried out by Gubelin Ateliers AG specialists or independent specialized companies, however, only upon the customer's written request and at his/her expense and risk. Please enquire with the Gubelin Gem Lab for details.
Unmounting of gemstones and pearls
Re-/mounting of gemstones and pearls
Restringing of pearls
Repolishing of diamonds, colored stones, etc.
No appraisals are issued by Gubelin Gem Lab Ltd.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes