Glittering Stones » Gemstone Reports » Gemmological Association of All Japan Lab Report (GAAJ)
Gemmological Association of All Japan (GAAJ)
GAAJ-ZENHOKYO issues thousands of standard gemological reports each month both for diamonds and colored gemstones. The types of analysis performed include the determination of natural and synthetic gem colored stones authenticity, the use of heat treatment as well as fissure filling disclosure. The lab also specializes in the analysis of "Geographic Origin" determination of corundum and emeralds.
Most colored gemstone reports are issued within five working days from the arrival of the gemstones at the lab. Basic gem identification, diamond and pearl reports are issued within three to five working days from the arrival of the stones at the lab. If circumstances require a more lengthy assessment, the turn around time may be extended.
Diamond Report:
Diamond Color Origin Report D-1
Identification of Colour Origin for Fancy Colour Diamonds (not including Diamond grading).
Detection of HPHT process, irradiation and coating treatment.
In the case when the Colour Origin is undeterminable, technical installment analysis (Photo luminescence) fee (USD 30) will be charged.
Reports include a colour photograph.
Diamond Identification Repot D-2
Identification of natural and synthetic diamond which is mounted injewelers.
Detection of HPHT process, irradiation and coating treatment.
In the case when the Colour Origin is ndeterminable, technical installment analysis fee (USD 30) will be charged.
Reports include a colour photograph.
Work Duration:
Diamond Colour Origin Report is issued within 3 working days.
Emerald Report
Report with Fissure Filling disclosure F-1
The fees for chemical analysis (EDXRF and LA-ICP-MS) and spectral analysis (FTIR and Raman) are included.
Determination of Authenticity and Fissure filling for Emerald.
Reports include a colour photograph.
Report with Geographic Origin E-2
Determination of Geographic Origin is available at an extra charge.
The fees for chemical analysis and spectral analysis are included.
In the case when the Geographic Origin (if requested) is undeterminable, only the report fee including Authenticity and Fissure filling will be charged.
Reports include a colour photograph.
Work Duration:
Emerald Identification Report is issued within 5 working days.
Gem Report
Gem Identification Report G-1
Determination of Authenticity of all colored natural and synthetic gemstones.
Technical instrument analysis (using Raman,EDXRF) is available at an extra charge.
In the case when the identification is undeterminable, technical instrument analysis examination fee will be harged.
Reports include a colour photograph.
Work Duration:
Gem Identification Report is issued within 3 working days.

Pearl Report:
Pearl Identification Report P-1
Identification of all types of Pearls (natural pearl, cultured pearls and imitation pearl), and treatment on pearls.
Report is including saltwater / freshwater determination and colour treatment disclosure.
Reports include a colour photograph.
The fees for chemical analysis (EDXRF) and spectral analysis (UV-Vis-NIR) are included.
For identification of natural pearl and cultured pearl, beaded and non-beaded cultured pearls, X-ray radiography analysis fee will be charged.
In the case when the identification of natural pearl is undeterminable, the term ‘pearl’ shall only be used.
In the case when the identification of Akoya cultured pearl and Silver-lip cultured pearl is undeterminable, technical instrument analysis is available at an extra charge.
Work Duration:
Pearl Identification Report is issued within 3 working days.
Tourmaline Report:
Tourmaline Identification Report T-1
Determination of blue-green colored Cu-bearing Elate Tourmaline (Paraíba Tourmaline), other colour variety of Elate Tourmaline, Canary Tourmaline, Liddicoatite and etc.
If request is only for imneral determination, Gem Identification Report will be issued with basic fee (USD 45).
The fees for chemical analysis (EDXRF) and spectral analysis (FTIR and Raman) are included.
Reports include a colour photograph.
Work Duration:
Tourmaline Identification Report is issued within 5 working days.
Corundum Identification report:
Report with Heart Treatment Disclosure C-1
Determination of Authenticity, Heat treatment and Fissure filling for Corundum (e.g. Ruby, Sapphire, Padparadscha).
Colour selecting of Padparadscha (without extra charge)s
The fees for chemical analysis (EDXRF, LIBS and LA-ICP-MS) and spectral analysis (UV-Vis-NIR, FTIR and Raman) are included.
Reports include a colour photograph.
Report with Geographic Origin C-2
Determination of Geographic Origin is available at an extra charge.
The fees for chemical analysis and spectral analysis are included.
Reports include a colour photograph.
Please note that if detection of the Heat treatment is not clear, no report will be issued but examination basic fee USD 45) will be charged.
In the case when the Geographic Origin (if requested) is undeterminable, only the report fee including Authenticity,Heat treatment and Fissure filling will be charged.
Work Duration:
Corundum Identification Reports are issued within 5 working days.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes