Glittering Stones » Diamond Bracelet » Diamond Bracelets for Men
Diamond Bracelet for Men
The word bracelet is derived from the Latin word "Brachile" which means "of the arm". This exotic piece of jewelry that embraces your wrist enhances the beauty of your hand. It is not one of the recent invents, our ancestors wore bracelets made out of woods, beads, stones and bone strips. In the modern era, this jewel took many forms and colors. Bracelets available in today's market are made up of most precious gemstones like diamond, gold, silver and platinum, popularly known as white gold. Besides tattoo, piercing and fashionable clothing, this fabulous piece of jewelry still provokes an ambivalent feeling among men.
Style Icon for Men :
In general, men are more image-conscious. They are giving paramount importance for fashion accessories for grooming themselves. This brought men's jewelry back in vogue. The use of diamond in men's jewelry got popularized after 20th century. Bracelets such as charm bracelet, tennis bracelet, sports bracelet and slap bracelets are the fast moving jewelry. Among them, the most popular one is the tennis bracelet, which is also called as thin line diamond bracelet. It has the symmetrical patterns of diamond, which gives it a thin and elegant look. In remembrance of the tennis star, Chris Evert, the thin line bracelet is christened as tennis bracelet. The charm bracelets, which are made up of pink diamonds, contain impressions like hearts, crosses, angles etc. These charming impressions have meaning and signify something important in a person's life. More men like to accessorize to emphasize their individuality.
The hip-pop culture popularized the use of colored diamonds by the name "bling". In past few years, men's jewelry market has grown double in size and sales have increased at the rate of 50% faster than women's jewelry. In ancient times, men's accessories were limited to cufflinks, tie pins and a wedding band, which are commonly referred as functional type of jewelry. The functional type of jewelry serves a reason rather than one of embellishment. Later these functional pieces are mixed with decorative elements.
Myth associated with Bracelets :
There are several superstitious beliefs associated with bracelets. Some believe that it brings good fortune, while other believes it wards off an evil. There is a Greek superstition where the mother makes bracelets of red and white stones for her children and ties them around her children on March 1st, in order to protect them from evils.
Fantabulous Diamond Mountings :
Men's bracelets with diamond accents are always bold and beautiful. The traditional type of jewelry uses stainless steel with black enamel. In recent trends, a stunning appearance is obtained by replacing stainless steel with sterling silver. One of the most popular designs that catch everyone's attention is white gold bracelet that is mounted with blue diamond. Blue diamonds are majorly imported from Cullinan mine near Pretoria in South Africa. There are certain fashion rules that must be followed while wearing diamond jewelry. When the bracelet is mounted with single diamond at the center, don't let it dangle, as it would not look sophisticated.

COMMEMORATIVE EVENT - 13th Anniversary
KEYWORDS - Success, Abundance, Personal Power
ALSO KNOWN AS - Merchant's stone, Success stone
COLORS - Pale yellow to brown
COLOR ZONING - Tiger stripes or Zebra stripes